Contact Us

The promoters of Ujala Education Foundation (UEF) have been involved in integrated development interventions in the rural areas of Pakistan for almost three decades. Their experience showed them a dire need for increasing access to quality education in the rural areas that are generally deprived of social services and show gender disparity against women. It also showed that lack of regular teachers’ training and updates in teaching methodologies hindered provision of quality education.
In February 2011, Ujala Education Foundation was registered as a non-profit organization under Companies Ordinance 1984, to address these particular issues.
Fayyaz Market, Street #09, G-8/2, Islamabad-Pakistan
Phone: (92-51) 2250012, 111-111-920; Facsimile: (92-51) 2280081.
Bank Account
Account No.: 18537900438903;
Account Name: Ujala Education Foundation;
Habib Bank Ltd., I & T Center Branch, G-9/4, Islamabad.